100 Thieves highlights Doublelift’s LCS return with off-role Azir, but falters against Fudge-led Cloud9
After an exciting match to kick off the 2023 LCS Spring Split, Doublelift finally made his gnd return to pro
After an exciting match to kick off the 2023 LCS Spring Split, Doublelift finally made his gnd return to pro
Just one game into his LCS comeback with 100 Thieves, Doublelift inked his name in the league’s history books once
League of Legends Patch 13.1B (formerly known as Patch 13.2) is now rolling out across servers worldwide, Riot Games has
The League of Legends competitive season is kicking off across the world, with some of the major regions having already
There is one champion who has been consistently banned in the high-elo matches of the Korean solo queue ladder in
Major dma is unfolding between Tian and Doinb, the worlds-winning mid-jungle duo. The LPL is currently on a break due
T1’s Ryu “Keria” Min-seok made history today after picking Caitlyn in the support position, featuring the champion in this role
Yuumi was hit with a series of balance changes in League of Legends Patch 13.1B, which nerfed her base stats,
Another new face is making his debut in the LCS for the start of the 2023 Spring Split, only a