Elyoya: ‘I agree with Inspired. Playing jungle in solo queue is quite frustting because the game is not fair’

Rogue jungler Inspired shared in an interview with Hotspawn last week that he believes pcticing League of Legends solo queue on the European server is inefficient since it teaches bad habits. Unlike competitive play where junglers can easily farm and create controlled opportunities to gank, in solo queue, he feels that he needs to constantly gank lanes since he keeps getting pinged by everyone to assist them. As a result, the 19-year-old jungler spends his time watching VODs of the LPL and LCK instead to learn from the best players in the world.

While some League fans felt this was stnge to hear from a competitive player who wants to be the best, he’s not the only one who holds this belief. In a recent interview with content creator Fernando Cardenete, Elyoya shared the same thought when asked about his opinion regarding watching VODs or playing solo queue.

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