League streamer gets pentakill but loses teamfight after enemy Akshan revives all of his teammates

When League of Legends’ newest champion, Akshan, dropped onto the game’s live servers late last month, many players were divided on one of his passives that can instantly revive his teammates. And one Twitch streamer named Elekktro recently n into a scenario with this new ability in a match where he got a pentakill in the opposing team’s fountain, only for the entire team to spawn back after his death.

The hilarious moment happened in the later stages of the game, where death timers are set at around 45 seconds. Elekktro was able to clean up four of his enemies earlier on while he and his team pushed into the enemy squad’s base for the win. At this point, they were knocking at the Nexus’ door with mid lane opened up. But in classic solo queue fashion, the team decided to dive the fountain to give Elekktro his pentakill.

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