Riot previews changes coming to Divine Sunderer, Wit’s End in League Patch 11.17

The League of Legends gameplay development team has introduced sevel changes that are coming to the game in Patch 11.17. While a strong majority of the balance changes will focus on tuning adjustments to the game’s roster of champions, many of the game’s systems and items will also be receiving a series of buffs and nerfs in the patch. 

The most notable item to receive nerfs in the upcoming patch will be Divine Sunderer, which has been receiving plenty of attention from players on both the solo queue ladder and the professional stage. Divine Sunderer is the most popular Mythic item available in the game in Patch 11.16, according to League stats site League of Gphs, with 10 percent of players across all games taking place in the Platinum nk and above building the item. 

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