The League of Legends nked season is winding down, and Riot Games is squeezing in the final few rounds of champion balance changes before the 2022 preseason begins later this year. Earlier today, the League development team released the Patch 11.22 preview, and it will feature changes to 11 champions, six of which will receive buffs.
Among the most popular champions receiving balance updates on Patch 11.22 will be Yuumi. The Magical Cat has been running mpant at the 2021 League World Championship, as the champion has a 96 percent pick/ban te during the tournament’s main event, according to League stats site Games of Legends. Additionally, Qiyana, Gves, and Kha’Zix will be receiving nerfs in Patch 11.22, while Maokai’s support capabilities will be reduced as well.
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