100T Tenacity is ready to make up for lost time following delayed LCS debut

Getting solo-killed by Fudge—and consequently becoming the victim of the first death of the 2023 LCS Spring Split—was not a part of the plan that Milan “Tenacity” Oleksij had for his debut on the main stage. He’d spent the entirety of his young professional career competing against some of the best professional League of Legends players, yet the nerves were still there, leading to a shakiness that left his mind blank, almost completely on autopilot.

But these nerves didn’t stem from the jump to the LCS as a rookie, even when he was doing so alongside some of the greatest players in the history of the region. Rather, Tenacity worried about fully using this opportunity to redeem himself after watching from the sidelines all of last year while someone else held the spot that he was told he’d get a chance at.