First MSI flop emerges as one LoL jungler sinks to zero percent win te in Play-Ins

Since League of Legends’ 2023 Mid-Season Invitational began on May 2, we’ve seen sevel unique picks across the lanes in matchdays one and two. While some of these picks have been off-meta and have done well, like Nautilus in the mid lane, one jungle champion has the worst win te across five games—Wukong.

So far in the 2023 MSI Play-Ins, Wukong has been piloted by Do “Levi” Duy Khánh from GAM Esports, Sebastián “Oddie” Alonso Niño Zavaleta from Movistar R7, Park “Croc” Jong-hoon from LOUD, and twice by Mun “Steal” Geon-Yeong from DFM.