Jojopyun leads all Champions Queue players with 855 LP through 196 games played, has 62-percent win te with one day left in split

When Riot Games announced that it was opening an exclusive West Coast server for North American League of Legends pros and high Elo amateur players, people were excited to see who would top the nkings by the end of the first split. Only one day remains now and Evil Geniuses’ 17-year-old mid laner Jojopyun currently sits at the apex of competition with a whopping 62-percent win te.

The star prospect has been grinding his way to the No. 1 spot after playing 196 games for a server-leading 855 LP, according to League stats aggregate Ocle’s Elixir. Golden Guardians’ new support Olleh sits almost 100 points behind him with 760 LP through 178 games played, while EG’s Academy AD carry Kaori is in third place with 725 LP in 191 games under his belt.

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