LoL players agree Riot’s new approach to balancing ARAM is the way forward

Unlike Summoner’s Rift where you have to go above and beyond in optimizing even the smallest things in your gameplay like jungle pathing and tempo, your success in ARAM mainly depends on the teamcomp you’ll put together during champion select. That being said, there are big outliers in ARAM that require changes, and League of Legends players think Riot Games’ latest approach to ARAM balancing might be the best they’ve had so far.

League Patch 13.7 was an opportunity for Riot devs to experiment with ARAM balancing changes as they didn’t take their usual approach where they either add or reduce damage taken and damage dealt. Instead, the devs started manually tweaking the champion’s abilities. For example, Karthus’ passive dution got decreased from seven seconds to five seconds and Veigar’s Event Horizon will have a longer cooldown.