TOP Esports re-signs Knight, parts ways with 369, Karsa, Yuyanjia

Many League of Legends fans have seen star-studded teams fall short of expectations before. And over the past two years, TOP Esports has been one of the big names to falter. As a result, the organization has started to retool its roster by re-signing Knight and parting ways with top laner 369, veten star jungler Karsa, and support Yuyanjia.

Knight has been one of the most explosive players in China since he made his debut in 2019. He swiftly became one of the most feared mid laners in the LPL after he tore up the competition with his aggressive play and mechanical prowess. This past summer, he led the league with 221 kills, 174 assists, and only 62 deaths through 38 games, according to Ocle’s Elixir.

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